Monday, October 21, 2013

Day 3 (Period 4)

Make it count this week folks! Since I'm out and you have a sub, we'll track a lot of our discussion here. I'll be checking the comments while I'm away.

Instructions if you need them:

1. Each student needs to post at least once in the comments section of their period's blog post.
2. Posts should be about Days 1, 2, or 3 reading, and can be either a discussion question, or an answer to someone else's discussion question.
3. Try to keep questions and answers roughly equal... if you see there are more questions than answers, add a question. If you see more answers than questions... pose a question!

Some additional suggestions:
  • include page numbers if you're asking a question
  • make sure it's clear who you're answering- either reply directly to a question, or state in your comment which question you're referring to

-Mrs. L.


  1. After the fight with Curly, why does Lenny ask George if he can still tend the rabbits? (page 65)

    1. Lenny probably thinks after fighting Curly, he wont be able to own land and tend to his own rabbits as a consequence.

    2. Lennie is afraid that George will not allow him to tend the rabbits, which is the rabbits in their dream. Since Lennie is submissive to George, it would make sense if Lennie were to ask if he still had the possibility to tend the rabbits after a fight, and after George warned Lennie to stay away from Curly.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Lennie seems to be a pacifist, as he likes soft furry things and doesn't seem to like to fight. He might be afraid that he will hurt the rabbits.

    5. Lennie is afraid that he disappointed George by getting in a fight with Curley. He is afraid that George is now mad at him and might punish him.

    6. I think that Lennie is scared that George won't let him tend the rabbits anymore because he did a bad thing and George was always getting mad at him for doing bad things so George might not let him tend to the rabbits because George is mad.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Why does Whit care about William Tenner and his letter to the magazine? (pg 46-47)

    1. The reads on page 47, "'I wonder if Bill's seen it,' he said. 'Bill and me worked in that patch of field peas. ... Bill was a hell of a nice fella.'" The attitude of Whit suggest that he and Bill were really close friends, and Whit might have been missing him ever since Bill left.

  4. Why did George tell Lennie to fight back instead of running away? Didn't George tell him to run to the bushes if he ever got in trouble with Curley?

    1. I think George told Lennie to fight back instead of running away because George knew that Curley wouldn't stop attacking Lennie if Lennie didn't fight back. Also, I don't think Lennie could've run away because he seemed to be dumbfounded by the violence that Curley was showing.

    2. I think George told Lennie to fight back since he knew any form of retreat was nearly impossible with Lennie backed up against the wall. He might have told Lennie to fight back because there was no other option.

    3. I agree with Ria that George told Lennie to fight back because retreating was pretty much impossible. I also think that George told Lennie to fight back because George wanted Curley to see that Lennie isn't as stupid and weak as he(Curley) thought Lennie was.

  5. Seeing as they all dislike Curley, I think that they feel proud that there is someone out there who is stronger. They feel that its a way to teach Curley a lesson, even though they don't know the consequences that might come out of it. Even after the fight, they assured Lennie that it wasn't his fault, but Curley's. I don't think that they are showing sympathy for Lennie, because they don't know of Lennie's disability anyways.

  6. I think that the men support Lennie because they all dislike Curley's attitude. They would probably support anyone who got in a disagreement with Curley, so it is not that they sympathize with Lennie specifically.

  7. I agree that the other men strongly dislike Curley due to his pugnacious attitude. Since they have no other outlet for their anger at Curley than Lennie, they support Lennie in the fight.

  8. I agree with Morgan and Swaathi about the men not being fond of Curley because of the way he acts to his fellow workers. But I think the men also supported Lennie because they know he is a nice hard worker, so they have nothing against him.

  9. I agree with Swathi, Morgan, and Sai, but I also believe that they want Lennie to be a more brave person. Make Lennie more of a man than still being childish and forgetting things.

  10. OI also think that most of the men don't like curley and the way he acts and they are all becoming friends with george and lennie so they dont want curley to hurt them

  11. Of course, as all the others said, it's because of Curleys bad attitude and rudeness which caused all the other men to dislike him.
